KAP SES is a leading registered public accountants with services ranging in accounting, business advisory and tax consulting made to accelerate your business
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When you choose KAPSES, we will always be by your side, ready to support you in every step of the way. Taking time to build a trusted relationship with you is the key to our service.
We are committed to provide services with integrity, independence and professionalism. We enable clients to understand what matters most in their business by working together, accelerating its business, caring for its success, and delivering results to achieve client’s personal and business goals.
When you have international needs, we take advantage of our international reach to ensure clients stay at the forefront the world’s best practices, innovation and technology.
With our close connections to the expertise in Kudos International Network around the world, we will work together seamlessly to provide top-quality solutions that you need.

Our Services
Audit and Assurance

Accounting & Services

Business Advisory

Tax and Other Service

Our News

Ini yang Bikin Kontraksi Ekonomi RI Tak Separah Negara Lain
Badan Kebijakan Fiskal (BKF) Kementerian Keuangan menilai konsumsi pemerintah menjadi sentral pemulihan ekonomi Indonesia di tahun 2020. Realisasi pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional minus 2,07% di sepanjang tahun lalu,

Target Ekonomi 5% di 2021 Masih Realistis?
Pemerintah menargetkan pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional kembali ke level 5% di tahun 2021. Angka target tersebut juga sudah tertuang dalam asumsi dasar ekonomi dalam APBN tahun ini. Untuk

BRI Mau Geber Kredit ke 57 Juta Usaha Ultra Mikro
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) mengincar pembiayaan pada 57 juta usaha ultra mikro yang minim akses pendanaan. BRI akan memberikan fasilitas pinjaman murah
Our Publication

PERLAKUAN PERPAJAKAN MEDICAL CROWDFUNDING Nur Mokhlas Iryo Sukaimi Crowdfunding merupakan simpul solidaritas yang mempertemukan orang-orang yang punya kemampuan, kesempatan dan niat baik membantu